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[Diagnostic battery for cognitive functions evaluation. Memory – attention – executive functions]. Bateria diagnozy funkcji poznawczych PU1. Pamięć – uwaga – funkcje wykonawcze
Borkowska, A.R., Sajewicz-Radtke, U., Lipowska, M., & Kalka, D. (2015). Gdańsk: Pracownia Testów Psychologicznych i Pedagogicznych SEBG
[Dyslexia and ADHD – comorbidity of developmental disorders. The neuropsychological analysis of memory deficits]. Dysleksja i ADHD – współwystępujące zaburzenia rozwoju. Neuropsychologiczna analiza deficytów pamięci
Lipowska, M. (2011). Warsaw: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Scholar.
Profil rozwoju kompetencji fonologicznej dzieci w wieku przedszkolnym [Developmental profile of phonological awareness of preschool children].
Lipowska, M. (2001). Kraków: Oficyna Wydawnicza Impuls.
Cognitive Functions in Pre-Adolescent Children Involved in Gymnastic and Soccer
Bidzan-Bluma, I., Jurek. P., Lipowska, M. (2024). Advances in Cognitive Psychology, 20(2), 149-157
Lifelong greenspace exposure and ADHD in Polish children: Role of physical activity and perceived neighbourhood characteristics.
Buczyłowska, D., Singh, N., Baumbach, C., Bratkowski, J., Mysak, Y., Wierzba-Łukaszyk, M., Sitnik-Warchulska, K., Skotak, K., Lipowska, M., Izydorczyk, B., Szwed, M., Markevych, I., & Dzhambov, A. M. (2024). Journal of Environmental Psychology, 96, 102313.
The transgenerational transmission of physical attractiveness perceptions: Role of parents' physical activity and nutrition habits in modelling body-focused health attitudes and body shape perception in five-year-old offspring
Kamionka, A., Lipowska, M., Lizińczyk, S., Sajewicz-Radtke, U., Radtke, B.M., Łada-Maśko, A., Olszewski-Strzyżowski, D., & Lipowski, M. (2024). Baltic Journal of Health and Physical Activity, 16(2), 11.
Pathways linking greenspace to behavioural problems in Polish children
Singh, N., Buczyłowska, D., Baumbach, C., Bratkowski, J., Mysak, Y., Wierzba-Łukaszyk, M., Sitnik-Warchulska, K., Skotak, K., Lipowska, M., Izydorczyk, B., Szwed, M., Dzhambov, A. M., & Markevych, I. (2024). Heliyon, 10(10), e31435.
The role of family and individual factors in going through adolescence having a disabled sibling – analysis of a healthy child’s functioning. A case-control study protocol.
Łada-Maśko, A. B., Sajewicz-Radtke, U., Radtke, B. M., Lipowska, M. (2024). Health Psychology Report, 12(2), 173-181.
Predictive model of the relationship between appearance, eating attitudes, and physical activity behavior in young people amid COVID-19
Li, J., Wilczyńska, D., Lipowska, M., Łada-Maśko, A.B., Radtke, B.M., Sajewicz-Radtke, U., Izydorczyk, B., Liu, T., Wang, T., Lu, M., & Lipowski, M. (2024). Nutrients, 16, 2065.
Surprising Effects of Cognitive Functions Therapy for a Patient with Lamb–Shaffer Syndrome – Case Report.
Sajewicz-Radtke, U., Łada-Maśko, A.B., Lipowska, M., Radtke, B.M., Lipska-Ziętkiewicz, B.S., Krempla-Patron, K. (2024). Journal of Applied Genetics.
Attention deficit in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder at primary school age measured with the attention network test (ANT) – systematic review and meta-analysis
Bieleninik, Ł., Gradys, G., Dzhambov, A.M., Walczak-Kozłowska, T., Lipowska, K., Anikiej- Wiczenbach, P., Łada-Maśko, A., Sitnik-Warchulska, K., Harciarek, M. & Lipowska, M. (2023). Frontiers in Neuroscience, 17, 1246490.
Developmental learning disorders in children with prenatal/perinatal exposure to hypoxia: A systematic review protocol.
Radtke, B. M., Sajewicz-Radtke, U., Bieleninik, Ł., & Lipowska, M. (2023). Plos One, 18(10), e0293067.
Body Appreciation Around the World: Measurement Invariance of the Body Appreciation Scale-2 (BAS-2) Across 65 Nations, 40 Languages, Gender Identities, and Age.
Swami, V., Tran, U.S., Stieger, S., ….Lipowska, M…., Voracek, M. (2003). Body Image, 46, 449-466.
Does exposure to nature make children more intelligent? Analysis in Polish children with and without ADHD.
Buczyłowska, D., Baumbach, C., Bratkowski, J., Mysak, Y., Wierzba-Łukaszyk, M., Skotak, K., Sitnik-Warchulska, K., Lipowska, M., Izydorczyk, B., Szwed, M., & Markevych, I. (2023). International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, 253, 114239.
Parent and teacher judgments about children’s mathematics and reading competencies in primary school: Do parent judgments matter for children’s educational outcomes?
Novita, S., Schonmoser, C., & Lipowska, M. (2023). Learning and Individual Differences, 105, 102302.
Air pollution and attention in Polish schoolchildren with and without ADHD.
Compa, M.F., Baumbach, C., Kaczmarek-Majer, K., Buczyłowska, K., Gradys, G.O., Skotak, K., Degórska, A., Bratkowski, J., Wierzba-Łukaszyk, M., Mysak, Y., Sitnik-Warchulska, K., Lipowska, M., Izydorczyk, B., Grellier, J., Asanowicz, D., Markevych, I., & Szwed. M. (2023). Science of the Total Environment, 164759.
Family Functioning Style as a Predictor of the Quality of Cognitive Functioning of Primary School Students With ADHD
Walenista, W., Izydorczyk, B., Lipowska, M., Markevych, I., Baumbach, C., Mysak, Y., Szwed, M., & Sitnik-Warchulska, K. (2023). Journal of Attention Disorders, 27(8), 867-879. 10870547231158749.
Cognitive functioning and bioelectrical brain activity of preadolescent gymnasts and non-gymnasts.
Bidzan-Bluma, I., Jochimek, M., & Lipowska, M. (2023). Perceptual and Motor Skills, 130(2), 714–731.
The impact of parent’s physical activity goals and parental attitudes on the leisure time physical activity of children in middle childhood
Kamionka, A., Lipowska, M., Lizynczyk, S., & Lipowski, M. (2023). Frontiers in Public Health,
Socio-cultural attitudes toward the body as a predictor of motivation for physical activity in young people brought up in Asian and European culture – Chinese-Polish comparison.
Guo, S., Izydorczyk, B., Lipowska, M., Kamionka, A., Lizynczyk, S., Sajewicz-Radtke, U., Radtke, B.M., Liu, T., & Lipowski, M. (2023). BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation, 15(1), 52.
Parental Burnout of Parents of Primary School Students: An Analysis from the Perspective of Job Demands-Resources.
Zhao, J., Hu, H., Zhao, S., Li, W., & Lipowska, M. (2023). Frontiers in Psychiatry.
Internalization of athletic body ideal as a mediating variable between family influence and body image of young women. A cross-cultural study of Polish, Italian and Ukrainian women.
Izydorczyk, B., Głomb, K., Bętkowska-Korpała, B., Yablonska, T.B., Bulatevych, N., Opałka, R., Lizińczyk, S., Sitnik-Warchulska, K., Radtke, B.M., Sajewicz-Radtke, U. & Lipowska, M. (2023). Frontiers in Psychiatry, 14,1136079.
Sociocultural predictors of obligatory exercise in young men: a Polish-Chinese comparison
Guo, S., Izydorczyk, B., Lipowska, M., Lizynczyk, S., Kamionka, A., Liu, T., Sajewicz-Radtke, U., Radtke, B.M., & Lipowski, M. (2023).. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 14, 1123864.
Two sides of the same coin: Sensation seeking fosters both resiliency and tobacco and alcohol use among 16-year-olds.
Jochimek, M., Lipowski, M., Lipowska, M. & Łada-Maśko, A.B. (2023). International Journal of Public Health, 68.
The Mediating Role of Eating Attitudes in Sociocultural Attitudes toward the Body Predicting Obligatory Exercise among Young People: A Polish and Chinese Comparison.
Guo, S., Kamionka, A., Izydorczyk, B., Lipowska, M., Lizynczyk, S., Radtke, B.M., Sajewicz-Radtke, U. & Lipowski, M. (2023). Nutrients, 15(4), 952;
Association of residential and school green- and bluespace with academic performance in 10–13-year-old Polish schoolchildren with and without attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
Singh, N., Baumbach, C., Buczyłowska, D., Bratkowski, J., Mysak, Y., Wierzba-Łukaszyk, M., Sitnik-Warchulska, K., Skotak, K., Lipowska, M., Izydorczyk, B., Szwed, M., & Markevych, I. (2023). Science of the Total Environment, 160123.
Attention deficit in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder at primary school age measured with the attention network test (ANT): A protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis
Gradys, G., Lipowska, M., Bieleninik, Ł., & Dzhambov, A. M. (2022). Plos One, 17(10), e0275599.
Does Obesity Rule out Happiness? Preschool Children’s Perceptions of Beauty-related Happiness
The role of religion and religiosity in health-promoting care for the body during the lockdowns caused by the COVID-19 pandemic in Egypt, Poland and Romania
Media Pressure and the Process of Westernization in the Context of Body Self-Assessment among Young Heterosexual and Gay Polish Men
Anxiety towards COVID-19, fear of negative appearance, healthy lifestyle, and their relationship with well-being during the pandemic: a cross-cultural study between Indonesia and Poland
The Mediating Effect of Negative Appearance Evaluation on the Relationship between Eating Attitudes and Sociocultural Attitudes Towards Appearance.
Wang, R., Gan, Y., Wang, X., LI, J., Lipowska, M., Izydorczyk, B., Guo, S., Lipowski, M., Yang, Y., & Fan, H. (2022). Frontiers in Psychiatry, 12. 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.776842
NeuroSmog: Determining the impact of air pollution on the developing brain: project protocol.
Markevych, I., Orlov, N., Grellier, J., Kaczmarek-Majer, K., Lipowska, M., Sitnik-Warchulska, M., Mysak, Y., Baumbach, C., Wierzba-Łukaszyk, M., Hussain Soomro, M., Compa, M., Izydorczyk, B., Skotak, K., Degórska, A., Bratkowski, J., Kossowski, B., Domagalik, D., & Szwed, M. (2022). International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(1), 310.
Exploring the association between alcohol drinking and phys-ical activity in adolescence; two-year prospective study in younger adolescents from Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Zenic, N., Lipowska, M., Maric, D., Versic, S., Vlahovic, H., & Gilic, B. (2021). International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(22), 11899.
The relationship between obligatory exercise and eating attitudes, and the mediating role of sociocultural attitudes towards appearance during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Fan, H., Gan, Y., Wang, T., Chen, S., Lipowska, M., Li, J., Li, K., Krokosz, D., Yang, Y., & Lipowski, M. (2021). Nutrients, 13(12), 4286.
“Better if they laugh with me than at me”: The role of humor in coping with obesity-related stigma in women.
Mazurkiewicz, N., Lipowski, M., Krefta, J., & Lipowska, M. (2021). International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(15), 7974;
Fathers’ Coping and Children’s Temperament as Predictors of Parental Attitudes.
Lipowska, M., Łada, A., & Lipowski, M. (2021). Man & Masculinity,
Ex-athletes as parents promoting healthy lifestyle in their families: A nutrition and physical activity of mothers, fathers and 6-years old children.
Lipowski, M., Lipowska, M., Jochimek, M., & Jurek, P. (2021). Journal of Family Issues,
Psychological Risk Factors for the Development of Restrictive and Bulimic Eating Behaviors: A Polish and Vietnamese Comparison.
Izydorczyk, B., Truong Thi Khanh, H., Lipowska, M., Sitnik-Warchulska, K., & Lizińczyk, S. (2021). Nutrients, 13(3), 910.
The need for additional mental health support for women in the postpartum period in the times of epidemic crisis.
Chrzan-Dętkoś, M., Walczak-Kozłowska, T., & Lipowska, M. (2021). BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 21(1), 114.
Socio-cultural standards promoted by the mass media as predictors of restrictive and bulimic behavior.
Izydorczyk, B., Sitnik-Warchulska, K., Lizińczyk, S., & Lipowska, M. (2020). Frontiers in Psychiatry,11(506).
Body dissatisfaction, restrictive, and bulimic behaviours among young women: a Polish – Japanese comparison.
Izydorczyk, B., Truong Thi Khanh, H., Lizińczyk, S., Sitnik-Warchulska, K., Lipowska, M. & Gulbicka, A. (2020). Nutrients, 12(3), 666.
The use of the Warnke Method in developmental dyslexia therapy for children.
Lipowska, M., Łada, A., Pawlicka, P., & Jurek, P. (2019). Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 64, 101060.
The Body as an Object of Stigmatization in Cultures of Guilt and Shame: A Polish–Vietnamese Comparison.
Lipowska, M., Truong Thi Khanh, H., Lipowski, M., Różycka-Tran, J., Bidzan, M., & Ha, T. T. (2019). International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(16), 2814.
Improvement of attention, executive functions and processing speed in elderly women as a result of involvement in the Nordic Walking training programme and vitamin D supplementation.
Lipowski, M., Walczak-Kozłowska, T., Lipowska, M., Kortas, J., Antosiewicz, J., Falcioni, G., & Ziemann, E. (2019). Nutrients, 11(6), 1311.
Wyzwania wobec klinicznej diagnostyki psychologicznej dzieci i młodzieży. Rekomendacje konsultantów w dziedzinie psychologii klinicznej [Clinical psychological diagnosis in children and adolescents: challenges and recommendations of consultants in clinical psychology].
Sitnik-Warchulska, K., Izydorczyk, B., & Lipowska, M. (2019). Psychiatria i Psychologia Kliniczna, 19(1), 54–62.
Children's Awareness of Healthy Behaviours – validity of Beauty & Health and Dietary Knowledge & Habits Scales.
Lipowska, M., & Lipowski, M. (2018). Health Psychology Report 6(4), 361–374.
How health-related behaviours predict body-esteem in men.
Bidzan, M., Yousaf, O., Lipowski, M., & Lipowska, M. (2018). American Journal of Men's Health, 12(6), 1901–1907.
Dyskalkulia rozwojowa – deficyt wiadomości matematycznych czy umiejętności arytmetycznych – od rozważań terminologicznych do praktyki diagnostycznej [Developmental dyscalculia – deficit of mathematical knowledge or of arithmetic skills – from terminological considerations to diagnostic practice].
Walerzak-Więckowska, A., Lipowska, M., & Jurek, P. (2018). Polskie Forum Psychologiczne, 23(4), 752-775.
Early predictors of learning a foreign language in pre-school – Polish as a first language, English as a Foreign Language.
Łockiewicz, M., Sarzała-Przybylska, Z., & Lipowska, M. (2018). Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 1813.
Gender and Body-Fat Status as Predictors of Parental Feeding Styles and Children’s Nutritional Knowledge, Eating Habits and Behaviours.
Lipowska, M., Lipowski, M., Jurek, P., Jankowska, A. M., & Pawlicka, P. (2018). International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,, 15(5), 852.
Bilingual advantage? Literacy and phonological awareness in Polish-speaking early elementary school children learning English simultaneously.
Pawlicka, P., Lipowska, M., & Jurek, P. (2018). Acta Neuropsychologica 16(1), 27-46.
Physical Activity and Cognitive Functioning of Children: A Systematic Review.
Bidzan-Bluma, I., & Lipowska, M. (2018). International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,, 15(4), 800.
The role of motivation to reduce obesity among elderly people: response to priming temptation in obese individuals.
Obara-Gołębiowska, M., Brycz, H., Lipowska, M., & Lipowski, M. (2018). International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(2), 244;
Wychowanie w kulturze konsumpcji. Postawy wychowawcze rodziców a tendencje materialistyczne dzieci 5-6 letnich [Bringing up the child in consumer culture. Parental attitudes vs materialistic tendencies of 5-to 6-year-olds].
Dykalska-Bieck, D., Zawadzka, A. M., & Lipowska, M. (2017). Polskie Forum Psychologiczne, 22(4), 636-655.
Gender differences in body-esteem among seniors: Beauty and health considerations.
Lipowska, M., Lipowski, M., Olszewski, H., & Dykalska-Bieck, D. (2016). Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 67, 160–170.
“Daughter and son: a completely different story”? Gender as a moderator of the relationship between sexism and parental attitudes.
Lipowska, M., Lipowski, M., & Pawlicka, P. (2016). Health Psychology Report, 4(3), 224–236.
Resiliency as a factor protecting youths from risky behaviour. Moderating effects of gender and sport.
Lipowski, M., Lipowska, M., Jochimek, M., & Krokosz, D. (2016). European Journal of Sport Science, 16(2), 246-255.
Creative attitude in a group of youths gifted in the domain of science subjects.
Sztolpa, M., Lewandowska-Walter, A., & Lipowska, M. (2016). Current Issues in Personality Psychology, 4(2), 97–105.
Jakość życia w przewlekłej widocznej chorobie a poczucie stygmatyzacji u młodych kobiet [Quality of life in chronic visible illness and the sense of stigmatization in young women].
Lipowska, M., Bidzan, M., Mazurkiewicz, N., & Lipowski, M. (2015). Przegląd Psychologiczny, 58(4), 303-323.
Narcissism as a moderator of satisfaction with body image in young women with extreme underweight and obesity.
Lipowska, M., & Lipowski, M. (2015). PlosOne, 10(5), e0126724.
Linguistic stimulation impact on verbal working memory in early stages of school education.
Pawlicka, P., Lipowska, M., Gajdzińska, H. (2015). Acta Neuropsychologica, 14(1), 49-60.
Poziom narcyzmu jako moderator relacji pomiędzy obiektywnymi wymiarami ciała a stosunkiem do własnej cielesności młodych mężczyzn [The role of narcissism in the relationship between objective body measurements and body self-esteem of young men].
Lipowski, M., & Lipowska, M. (2015). Polskie Forum Psychologiczne, 20(1), 31-46.
Psychological gender and age of female and male managers as determinants of hope for success.
Lipowski, M., Lipowska, M., Nieckarz, Z., Celińska-Nieckarz, S., Kosakowska-Berezecka, N. (2014). Przegląd Psychologiczny, 57(3), 367-379.
Personality determinants of health behaviours of merchant navy officers.
Lipowski, M., Lipowska, M., Peplińska, A., Jeżewska, M. (2014). International Maritime Health, 65(3), 158-165.
Polish normalization of the Body Esteem Scale.
Lipowska, M., Lipowski, M. (2013). Health Psychology Report, 1, 72-81.
The development of speech in early childhood in children from twin pregnancies with twin-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS).
Bidzan, M., Bieleninik, Ł. & Lipowska, M. (2013). Polish Psychological Bulletin, 44(1), 9-20
Spektrum zaburzeń zachowania w obrazie ADHD [Spectrum of Conduct Disorder in ADHD].
Lipowska, M., Rasmus, A. (2013). Czasopismo Psychologiczne, 19(1), 29-35.
Emotional tension in stressful situations as a mediator of the comorbidity of conduct disorder in youth with ADHD.
Marcinkowska, J., Lipowska, M., Szczuka, Z. (2013). Acta Neuropsychologica, 11(2), 81-91.
Evaluation of a neurotherapy program for a child with ADHD with Benign Partial Epilepsy with Rolandic Spikes (BPERS) using event-related potentials.
Pąchalska, M., Kropotov, I.D., Mańko, G., Lipowska, M., Rasmus, A., Łukaszewska, B., Bogdanowicz, M., Mirski, A. (2012). Medical Science Monitor, 18(11), CS94-104.
Language as a moderator of memory-related processes in children with developmental dyslexia.
Lipowska, M., Sajewicz-Radtke, U. (2012). Acta Neuropsychologica, 10(2), 205-214.
Graphomotor functions in ADHD – motor or planning deficit: microgenetic approach.
Lipowska, M. (2012). Acta Neuropsychologica,10(1), 69-80.
Visuospatial deficits of dyslexic children.
Lipowska, M., Czaplewska, E., Wysocka, A. (2011). Medical Science Monitor, 17(4), CR216-221.
Genetics in solving dyslexia puzzles: the overview.
Wysocka, A., Lipowska, M., Kilikowska, A. (2010). Acta Neuropsychologica, 8 (4), 315-331
Genetyczne podłoże współwystępowania ADHD i dysleksji rozwojowej [Genetic background of comorbidity between ADHD and developmental dyslexia].
Wysocka, A., Lipowska, M. (2010). Psychiatria i Psychologia Kliniczna, 10(3), 189-194.
Czy impulsywność w ADHD ma komponenty temperamentalne? [Temperamental components of impulsivity in ADHD]
Lipowska, M., Dykalska-Bieck, D. (2010). Psychiatria i Psychologia Kliniczna, 10(3), 169-181.
Neuropsychological diagnosis and treatment after closed-head injury in a patient with a psychiatric history of schizophrenia.
Pąchalska, M., Grochmal-Bach, B., MacQueen, B.D., Wilk, M., Lipowska, M., Herman-Sucharska, I. (2008). Medical Science Monitor, 14(8), CS76-85.
Language skills in children with ADHD and dyslexia.
Lipowska, M., Bogdanowicz, M., Buliński, L. (2008). Acta Neuropsychologica, 6(4), 369-379.
Perception of facially and vocally expressed emotions in children with ADHD.
Czaplewska, E., Lipowska, M. (2008). Acta Neuropsychologica, 6(4), 337-348.
Towards a process neuropsychology: microgenetic theory and brain science.
Pąchalska, M., Lipowska, M., Łukaszewska, B. (2007). Acta Neuropsychologica, 5(4), 228-245.
Specific language impairment: neuropsychological and neurolinguistic aspects.
Pąchalska, M., Jastrzębowska, G., Lipowska, M., Pufal, A. (2007). Acta Neuropsychologica, 5(3), 131-154.
Cognitive style in children perceived by their teachers as hyperactive.
Lipowska, M., Buliński, L. (2007). Acta Neuropsychologica, 5(1-2), 34-45.
Poczucie umiejscowienia kontroli i ocena własnego ciała a skuteczność odchudzania młodych kobiet [Locus of control and body image in young women and effectiveness of dieting].
Parzuchowska, M., Lipowska, M. (2006). Psychologia Rozwojowa, 11(3), 113-121.
Piękno kobiecej twarzy w ocenie dzieci przedszkolnych [Evaluation of female facial beauty by preschool children].
Lipowska, M., Jankowska, A. (2006). Psychologia Rozwojowa, 11(3), 97-104.
Poziom optymizmu a akceptacja własnego ciała przez kobiety w okresie adolescencji [Level of optimism and acceptance of own body by adolescence women].
Lipowska, M., & Lipowski, M. (2006) Psychologia Rozwojowa, 3, 89-96.
Poczucie umiejscowienia kontroli u dzieci spostrzeganych przez nauczycieli jako nadpobudliwe psychoruchowo [Locus of control of children with ADHD syndrome].
Lipowska, M. (2004). Psychologia Rozwojowa, 9(4), 135-144.
Samoocena młodzieży a preferowane przez nią wyznaczniki atrakcyjności fizycznej partnera [Youth’s self-esteem and their preferences for particular determinants of their partner’s physical attractiveness].
Lipowska, M., Petrus, P. (2004). Psychologia Rozwojowa, 9(2), 137-147.
Rymy i aliteracje jako wskaźnik poziomu rozwoju fonologicznego dzieci w wieku przedszkolnym [Rhymes and alliterations as an index of the level of phonological development of pre-schoolers].
Lipowska, M. (2001). Psychologia Rozwojowa, 6(1-2), 107-118.
Collective Work Editor/Redakcja Prac zbiorowych
Wspieranie rozwoju jako wyzwanie interdyscyplinarne [Development support as interdisciplinary challenge].
Krasowicz-Kupis, G., Lipowska, M. (Eds.) (2013). Gdansk: Harmonia Universalis.
Rodzinne, edukacyjne i psychologiczne wyznaczniki rozwoju [Familial, educational, and psychological determinants of development].
Bogdanowicz, M., Lipowska, M. (Eds.) (2008). Cracow: Oficyna Wydawnicza Impuls.